The Newfoundland and Labrador Housing and Homelessness Network
We work with regional Community Advisory Boards, front-line agencies, all levels of government, and other stakeholders to identify and address issues and challenges related to housing and homelessness in rural and remote communities across our province.
Latest News
Join our Board of Directors!
We are looking for expressions of interest for our Board of Directors! Our Board of Directors are volunteers who provide leadership to our organization. They serve three-year terms, with the possibility of serving a second consecutive term. If you are interested in...
Frontline Training
At the NL Housing and Homelessness Network, we are committed to coordinating training opportunities for frontline workers. In collaboration with our community partners, we have organized FREE training sessions on Systems Navigation, Trauma Informed Care, and more!...
Provincial Conference
As we work on the details for the Provincial Conference, we will post updates on our website. Check back regularly for all the latest news!
Your generosity plays a crucial role in helping us address the challenges of housing and homelessness across Newfoundland and Labrador.
From workshops to community breakfasts and special events, our events calendar has everything you need to stay informed and engaged!
Network News
Stay informed and connected with our Network Newsletter. Sign up now!
Our Funders
We extend our heartfelt thanks to Newfoundland & Labrador Housing, whose continued support through the Supportive Living Program makes our work possible.
You too can make a difference! Together, we can create lasting change in rural and remote communities in Newfoundland and Labrador.